

For the attention of John Faus

Quarts and an Apology!


On checking back on my eMail transmission of the 6th.  July, I have been
rather alarmed to read that because of a miscalculation in the rate I had used
to convert quarts into litres  I wrote:-  " A minimum intake of 3 quarts
liquid is programmed and usually met"

This is wrong.  The figure  "3" should read "2".

As a matter of possible interest, my explanation for having made the wrong
calculation is the naming of the more unusual measurement of a "Quart".  I
live in Switzerland whereas I was brought up on Scottish pints!  Here, we
think in litres and decilitres. To confuse matters even more, the US quart and
the UK quart are not the same!

        1 x US fl. Quart = 0.9463 litres
        1 x UK fl.  Quart = 1.137 litres

If a glass of water holds 2dl., then, with 2 quarts during the 24 hours, I
would be drinking up to an equivalent of nine to ten glasses according to the
US volumes,  whilst, using British quarts, the result would be about eleven
glasses. But never a daily intake of 3 quarts or fifteen and seventeen glasses

Meanwhile, List readers will have seen the brief and informative note from
Carolyn Eberly.  On the 7th.  July, she wrote that her husband's best results
are achieved from "eight to ten glasses per day".  This is the figure that
would seem to be about right.  Some time ago too, one wise man wrote to the
List on the subject of constipation:-  "Don't forget, water is not only
efficient, but usually, it is cheap!"

Once more, sorry for my hiccup!


[log in to unmask] (rae paterson)