

George - I thought I was the master deleter but I'm not that fast.
Altho I enjoy reading the list I cant possibly read them all e.g.
suspenders, body odor.
I still work full time and my boss wouldn't approve my using my day
reading the PD list.
As to falling, I have one problem with the answers.  I don't know when I
going to fall unless I trip on something.  I'm down before I know it so
can't think how to fall. I don't fall often but have have some hard
        I hesitate to mention this but my last hard fall was a month ago
when I fell out of bed (dn't laugh). I got one of the worst looking
bruises I;ve ever had.  This was the second time.  So now I try to make
sure I am far from the edge when I fall asleep and also pile several
pillows on the edge.  Its no fun being suddenly awakened on the floor.
And Dennis how does it feel to fall upward
Rosemary Paul
> PS To Dennis Greene. I'm sure you have heard this before but one
> reason that you may have fallen is because you are from "The land down
> under". Personally I don't trust gravity as far as I can throw it!
>         georgeAmazing grace! How sweet the sound
>     that saved a wretch like me!
>     I once was lost, but now am found;
>     was blind, but now I see.
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