

Ivan... Chill out.  YOU are too stubborn to croak 'cause of Parkinson's!
<rueful smile>

Sending lotsa love your way - ya could use some, I 'spect.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ivan M Suzman
Sent:   Thursday, July 09, 1998 9:49 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: WHAT!

 Hi Marling, and people on the List.........

Maybe I am cranky, too,  Or maybe I am going just a little bit crazy.  I
just know PD isn't recognized as the monster it really is!

Today another caregiver quit--I got  a note, taped to the kitchen door,
that reads in part:

"I neither have the training nor the vocation to care for someone with a
Imagine reading that before breakfast.   UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

--didn't PD kill SIdney Dorris of the NPF Dorris Award?  Didn't I hear
that he died of bowel obstruction DUE TO PARKINSON'S??

Morbidly yours,


P>S>  What about the virus theory?? Are there scientists on the List, or
anyone, who would like to enter into this discussion?

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     68    deg. F

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998 08:57:14 +0000 Marling McReynolds
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Maybe I am just cranky today, but so much has been said of late about
>poor (in spirit not money) people with aids or als or some other
>"fast" acting disorder needing sympathy and help that I am about to
>scream.  I think even with the horrible pain, etc. I would rather go
>in 3 years than live in misery for the next 40 with pd.  I cannot say
>that having pd is better than als.  My family are long lived and tend
>to continue "working" and "doing" all their lives, sometimes in spite
>of medical conditions.  I do not look forward to 40 or more years of
>shaking, freezing, jerking, and being miserable.  No one may agree
>but 3 to 5 years of misery seems almost a comfort compared to the 40
>I have to look forward to.
>don't forget how to laugh (and do it often)
>Marling McReynolds
>[log in to unmask]