

Thank you, Rick. One of the points he made was exactly the one you describe
of having a certain objectivity re: your illness.  If there has been a
moment of perhaps gladness in the past 2 yrs. for me, it was when my
neurologist showed me the cut away photograph of the brain and pointed to
the exact spot where the dysfunction was occuring.  It was at that moment
that I changed my identity from a Parkinsonian to a Person with Parkinson's.
This may seem trivial, but for an extended period of time I had just that
objectivity I'm searching for.  To hear from your experience that it was to
be short lived with homeopathy, is very interesting. All of this information
that is coming my way about this will be really useful.  Thank you, Barb
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Hermann <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, July 09, 1998 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: Homeopathy

Entering the fray here, at least for a brief post. I worked long and hard
with a homeopathic physician who was actually an M.D., for about 8 years to
treat depression and various physical ailments because I was scared of
chemical antidepressants. Sometimes the homeopathic remedy worked on the
depression; after taking a constitutional remedy, which is taken every two
or three months, I would often feel a lifting of the cloud, and have a
sense that I had the power to DECIDE where my thoughts and reactions would
steer me; and I could consiously choose not to move in the direction of
down. This reaction never lasted more than a day to a few days though, but
when it came I saw possibilities and hope. Endless adjustments of dosage
and potency were made during those years, with the good times never
lasting, until I finally just said Screw It. I made a commitment to try
allopathic antidepressants, talked to my allopathic GP and counselor about
it, and went on Paxil. The results have been very good. If I was into
regret, I'd have some about those lost years. It was never obvious to me to
try another road--probably because I was depressed!

Good discussion topic; I'm glad to see homeopathy discussed here.
