


What will happen is life will go on and private industry will keep their
research going to discover greater symptomatic relief or cure.  Don't count
on the government to do anything.  And, when they do be pleasantly

I personally think we are beginning to sound like the "welfare mothers".
Today $30 million dollars is not enough therefore make it a $100 million.
And, tomorrow when $100 million is not enough demand $1,000 million, and on,
and on..... This $100 million dollars "doesn't grow on trees".  The citizens
of this country have to come up with this money by not spending it on their
kids, new house, or whatever they desire. I don't know about you, but I do
not have the nerve to ask my neighbors to help pay for my problems.

Sooner or later we each face up to the fact that we were dealt a rather weak
hand in this life, but it is the only (trembling) hand we have got to play.

Larry Fleming
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bruce Anderson
Sent:   Friday, July 10, 1998 10:10 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        WHAT! happens if it doesn't work?

Does anyone out there feel that some of us are making too much of an
emotional commitment to the funding of this Udall Law, perhaps?  I mean all
of the anger, anguish, frustration, "I'm Mad as Hell...," etc. directed at
Congress for not funding it, soon no doubt to be followed by jubilation when
it does.  And then what happens to our individual psyches if.....nothing
happens?  Which is a good possibility. When was the last time anyone  found
a "cure" of a neurological disease?  Finding one is also a possibility.  I'm
in favor of our working our asses off to get funding of Udall & I think I've
done my part. I just think we have to be careful of putting to many
emotional  eggs in one basket.  They may find a way to prevent future
victims.  But we may have to live with improved management of our sumptuous.
Any thoughts?