

I am leaning toward a Gateway, 350MH with 12.4GB. I had the stats here by this
computer but the other me must have moved them.
Did you ever notice how people talk out of all sides of their mouths? I am
feeling out of it but I just need to hang on and white knuckle it.
That is nice of you to be there for your wife and daughter. My husband CG is
great. He said that he feels it is an honor to do things for me.
He is a nice person, and very kind.
I have been living a manic episode lately, so not much sleep. Drives me crazy
when it is like this.  I'll get those little naps. Just feel something is out
of kilter.
Wouldn't it be good for your wife and daughter to be outside by the pool? Just
trying for you.
Well, I'll talk to you later. Hang in there. Leave the solitaire alone.  Don't
give the satisfaction. Play frogger, that would be the right game. Some
violence in a game makes me feel good. I'm a non-violent person. LOL
Well, against the animal world. I find humans a bit much to handle at times.
It's like back in 1st grade and you walk into the room, headed toward your
desk. You see all the other (most all) desks have invitation envelopes on the
wooden tops. Looking again at your desk, and the floor surrounding, you were
excluded again. Being different has always been hard. and lonely.
Have a good weekend Ken. I hope all goes well with you and yours.
47/7 mos.