

Hi, Carol,

I think Parkinson Institute is on the right track for some causes of
what I have always thought of as the Parkinson Syndrome, rather than
Parkinson Disease.  There are so many different manifestations of PD
and each PWP has a different type, it seems, though some
commonalities can usually be observed.

My diagnosis reads:  Post-Encephalitic Parkinsonism.  Now whether
that is because the terminology was different in 1953 when it was
made or whether there are still such diagnosis being made, I don't
know.  But I agree with the peremise of inflammation as a possible
source of worsening of Parkinson symptoms.

Knowing  what we do now about the brain being 80% damaged already
when the first symptoms  become noticable, I can trace several times
in my life when I ran extremely high temperatures (105.8 & 106
degrees F)) with bouts of pneumonia, double pneumonia, infection and
measles (at age 30).  Encephalitis comes with high fevers, so I
postulate that those fevers could have burned out cells in my
substantia nigra.

So, you can see why I agree with doing research in this direction.  I
wonder if it might lead to understanding why more people under 50 are
being diagnosed as having PD.  My personal thanks to Bill Langston
and his crew!


Glad you llike the "Parkinsonnets".