

Dear Colleagues,
   For the past year or so I've been experiencing more disabling bouts of Blepharospasms. I assumed that the condition was due to my PD. My concern became intense enough for me to seek consultation in August with one of Mass.Gen Hosp eye people regarding Botox injections.
   But as my life would have it I had an appointment with my Neurologist,Russell Butler.  Yes, the same Russell Butler that John Bachman, list contributor, made note of in a posting dated 6/15/98
[WITH THANKS TO THE CONCORD (MA) AREA SUPPORT GROUP]. [Frankly I was rather surprised that there was so little response to John's posting,
given the controversial nature of a few of Dr. Butler's remarks]
   Russell suggested that I give Tasmar a trial to see if it would "smooth out" my daily rough spots and while it has only been 3-4 days at 2x100 mgs it has done better then that. It appears to have eliminated the Blepharospasms. Tasmar is quite new so there is going to be little or nothing in the research literature but I will take a look see. In the meantime if you have any information please pass it on to me. I'm also on Sinemet and Mirapex with a serious reduction in store for these two drugs if the Tasmar is able to do the job. I've already reduced the Sinemet by about a quarter. Medication details available for those interested.


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    was blind, but now I see.

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