


As Robin William's said in "The Best of Times" - "We need someone to rescue
us from the bowels of lethargy." Just trying to keep a perspective.  On the
serious side of the question is who? I read Bruce Anderson's post this
afternoon.  It is exactly why I've been so inactive on the list lately.  How
many times can we mouth the cry?  When do we see a sign? We have highs and
lows every day.  WHEN WILL THEY LISTEN?

I have confessions to make. I am lethargic lately.  It is tough to deal with
not being able to help everyone you feel you should. I mean like trying to
help Ivan but, having more irons in the fire than I could possibly handle.
Trying to face my own back and hip pain, disability matters, 501 (C) (3)'s,
the web site, family commitments, not stepping on the established support
groups in Maine toes, making sure we stay viable with the Maine Parkinson's
Society and being supportive to a list that has been Godsend to me. Trying
to make the best decision in the long-term without callously neglecting
someone who needs help.

There is actually more, but this is not a complaint but more of an
explanation or a mild venting. I read and read trying to find some help.  I
write and I write and look more for the answers.  Only, there are not always
answers.  Sometimes we have to make gut decisions.  Other times we are more
reflective.  Sometimes we have no control.  I will not say we don't have
control of Udall. However, we can't be someone we are not capable of being.
Physically, most of us are limited in many ways.  Emotionally, the same can
be said.

The options are to keep trying what hasn't worked, try something bold and
chance ending up in prison or a psychiatric ward, or come up with something
ingenious.  The last is not an option for me.  I could help follow through,
but not likely to come up with something that word implies.  There are
capable people on the list, I think, that could fulfill the last and best
option.  What about a contest?  A contest, yea, that's the ticket.  We could
give the winner a new life with fine motor control and the ability to sign
autographs for their adoring fans. They could smile widely for all the
publications who would be fighting over a sensation story that is truly just
that. Then with all the money left over from their awards and the rights to
this magnificent story that person would have to sponsor a list reunion.  We
could all dance or make gestures to signal we don't dance. Those who didn't,
wouldn't be obligated by  the chorea-grapher.  We would all be obligated to
smile for the list picture. That wouldn't be a problem.

The only problem with the "eggs all in one basket approach" is not the
disappointment if Congress FAILS TO SEE US.  It is that we are not focusing
enough on the Ivan's among us.  Collectively we need to do a better job with
this.  I admit it, I haven't been there every time he has called.  I have
done as much as I think I can do.  And, that adds to Ivan's lack of
continuity. This is not intended to rationalize that I am right for not
having enough strength to answer the 2 am calls because another PCA has not
IS A CURE OR BETTER TREATMENT FOR ALL PWPS. Because there are others who
need help as well. We can have more of an impact on more people if we
concentrate on efficiency.  I know that sounds loutish.  However, I feel
from this time forward, that will be my focus.  I hope some others will take
this same path.  I pray that we get funding, not for the actual money, but
for the end of suffering that would come from it.

I know some should and will stay the course.  That is good.  I just hope
that we can do better away from the list.  My only experience is in Maine.
We have approximately 2/70 of the estimated PD population at support group
meetings now.  The rest have to fend for themselves.  We must go to them.
If we wait till they hear through the current system, well, enough said for
one day.

Thanks for listening, I wish we could get the non-PD folk to listen. From
the bowels of lethargy . . .

Greg Leeman

-----Original Message-----
From: Parkinson's Information Exchange
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Gail Vass
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 1998 2:27 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN


  For a couple years I've been blaming it on iron deficient
  blood, lack of vitamins, dieting and a dozen other maladies.

  But now I found out the real reason. I'm tired because I'm

  The population of this country is 237 million.
  104 million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the
  work. There are 85 million in school, which leaves 48 million
  to do the work. Of this there are 29 million employed by
  the federal government.

  This leaves 19 million to do the work.
  Four million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 15
  million to do the work.

  Take from the total the 14,800,000 people who work for
  State and City Government and that leaves 200,000 to do
  the work.

  There are 188,000 ill and in hospitals, so that leaves 12,000
  to do the work.

  Now, there are 11,998 people in Prisons. That leaves just
  two people to do the work.

  You and me.
  And you're sitting there screwing around with our email....

   tee...hee...Gail Vass