

Greg wrote: "...I wish we could get the non-PD folk to
listen. From
the bowels of lethargy . . ."

I am very serious about this - last time I wrote about it no
one replied, but I maintain that it's an extremely valuable
resource to fullfill the function  to "...get the non-PD
folk to listen."

The Public Service announcement, done by the Houston group
and now being shown on TV, is exceptional. Strictly about
PD, showing a man trying to tie his shoes with his
background voice talking about his PD, and a number for more
information. The spot is very well made (they took a whole
day to film the one scene). And it grabs the attention
quickly and hangs on until the end (probably a 30 sec.

I can think of nothing better (well I can, but at least this
isn't against the law) than for a support group to obtain a
copy of this tape, place their own phone local phone number
on it, and hand carry it to the local TV station. Stations
get Brownie Points for showing these things, everyone think
they are doing a public service, which they are, and the FCC
grants them another license when their time comes around.

The folks involved in this production are right here on this
list. Ask for more information, get the tape, put you
support group phone number on it, take it to the TV station.

When you see it playing, I promise, it will bring tears -
from all the frustration and anger that each of us try to
deny we have. But it will also play a tune to those folks
who never think of PD, who have no idea what it is and could
care less if a cure is ever found.

I never want to be an "IN YOUR FACE" activist like the AIDS
people, but you know - it worked for them. We might not be
able to dress up in clown outfits and waltz down Main Street
in a protest against the gov'ment, but we can draw attention
to ourselves. This tape would make an excellent start.
The Official PWP Dumpster Gang Hideout
The PWP WebRing;list
The Parkinson Alliance