

I also have postural hypotension and take .5 mg of Florinef once a day in
the morning.  I have had to monitor my pressure very carefully as higher
doses (for me) result in high bp readings.  Ditto on seeing one's
neurologist right away.  - - Eric Berry

>From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Falling because of low BP
>Date: Sat, Jul 11, 1998, 8:48 PM

>You wrote:
>>As the wife of someone who falls alot, I think you need to remember another
>>major cause of falling in PWPs ..............................  doctors
>>discovered that  Ken's blood pressure falls to an unmeasurable level  when
>You are of course quite right about postural hypotension being the cause of
>many falls by PWP. The sudden lowering of the BP occurs as the PWP stands
>up. They may experience light headedness and /or a sense of "loss of vision"
>(tunnel vision and/or everything going dark) and possibly a lot more that I
>am unfamiliar with.  It would be interesting to hear of other signs to watch
>for from those with a history of or knowledge of postural hypotension.
>Anyone experiencing these symptoms should discuss them with their
>neurologist as soon as possible.