

Hi Fleurette;

you wrote:
You people sure make my day with your funny definitions...keep it up.  BC,
Canada - glad to hear we have another Canadian amid us - I'm from Kenora,
Ont.  Fleurette

Fleurette, this is not funny.  This is very serious stuff!

Yesterday George taught me a new word ... Blepharospasm.

Bill Heitman taught me how to say it.

Gail also gave me a new word ... nychthemeron

Pronounced  \nick-THEHM-uh-rahn  (TH as in "think")\   (noun)
meaning ... A period of a full night and a day

Overnite I imagined the following scenario:

A medical student spends 7 years to get a doctorate and upon his
graduation tells his proud mother "I've decided to specialize in
Blepharospasm"!  His beaming mother blinks back tears of joy for an
entire nychthemeron.  (7 years of dreams dashed in a blephrospasm,
but then he could have specialized in ptosis.........)

my apologies to anyone suffering these afflictions...

All the very best to all my cyber friends.......Murray

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