

Hello once again to all you wonderful people.. Everytime I have needed
help with managing  my mom"s Parkinson's, you people have been  a wealth
of  information.  My mom is now in year six, and because of what I
learned from you, is now seen by a movement disorder specialist.  Well,
she is doing fine: except for an ever increasing difficulty with
sleeping.  She can only get 2 to 3 hours at a time, often wth  a
significant interval between the short "naps".  This is making her
tired during the day. She complains of aching, and  states that the
aching is keeping her from sleeping.  Is this aching  a symptom of te
disease, or could this be something like arthritis?  Also, can one take
sleeping pills when taking  the Parkinson medication?  Any and all
responses will be appreciated.  God Bless...