


This group is the greatest for picking up the pieces of your broken heart
and helping you get on with your life.  Use their advice and see that you
are not alone.

The title of my book is "My Cup Remains Half Full"  (I haven't written it
yet)  but when I do it will contain a tear jerking story about what I
wanted my life to be like and  what I got instead.

 You see, I was diagnoised at age 37.  I could go on and on about the
disappointments in my life but I prefer to count my blessings.

It sounds like your body chemistry is temporarily out of balance.  Get
yourself to a Dr. NOW!!  You are wasting time. You have many things to do.

This message may seem disjointed, it is. but I have a good excuse.  You see
I have had Parkinson's for nearly twenty years and I sure hope I'm here to
see the cure within the next twenty years.
