

I dunno.  It's late, my back hurts.  Maybe it's this Wall Street crowd I
have to work with now.  Clouds your judgement,  On the other hand I did warn
you.  And - I didn't make this stuff up.  Medical professionals have to deal
with this, right?  I do enjoy the unusual.  I used to collect Ripley's
Believe It Or Not books as a kid. And I remember a movie I really liked as a
teenager called Mono Cane (people eating chocolate covered grasshoppers,
etc.)  I don't suppose you ordered "Cops - Too Hot for TV," did you?  "Just
$19.95........ +$14.95 S & H" Well, you are right, most people don't.

  The problem with this Listserv set-up is you can't take something back.
You can't retrieve some damn fool thing you posted in the middle of the
night and wished you hadn't.
  Forward it on to someone you think might enjoy it - or to someone you know
who won't.

My apologies, group.