

In reference to Hilary Blue's reply to Wendy Tebay: To refute  another
person's point of view with ridicule is nonproductive in tnat it doesn't
invite due consideration for one' s  own.

My bible reads JOSHUA 10: 12 and 13 that the sun stood still.  It does
not say the sun goes around the earth.  Some men in history  may have
interpreted it that way for whatever purpose of their own.

Ms. Tebay  openly said that some may regard her proposed method as
"flaky".  False hope?
Webster's defines hope as "desiring and expecting".   I interpreted her
idea as one of coming together for just that.   People gather for many
causes to bring attention.

I can also understand if one does not believe in the practice of prayer
or meditation,  or  the co-creator premise,  one would not want to be
identified or counted as one who did by the single assciation of having
PD.  It would be distressing to feel misrepresented.

 I have been reading Carl Sagan's book The  Demon-Haunted World.   My
interest in it  is now heightened ------ the challenge Fear presents in
my life. Fear of fear,

     becky hudson  (52/16)

PS  I ""hope" that I submitted this correctly---I'm new at this