


I have been a pretty much silent observer since joining your wonderful
group.  I look foward to reading your posts, even the not so happy ones.

I don't know if I am alone in my situation or there are others like me and
if anyone could share some thoughts- I guess the proper term would be

I am trying, with poor success, to re-enter the world of dating.  I have
been divorced for a while now.  It has been very difficult for me to find
someone who is willing to date me and my disease-we are a package deal.

I get along pretty well, can mask my symptoms with medication, for a while.
 But then, I am living a life of deception if I don't tell someone, and
that is not me.  Additonally, my two little children live with me, and for
that reason alone, women are not interested.  Heck, at my age(44), most
have kids already grown and are not willing to start over.

Don't misunderstand me about my kids being a negative thing.  Having them
and being their parent is God's greatest gift he has ever given me and I
thank him every chance.  Even, in a strange sense, my PD has been a gift in
the fact that it allows me to stay home with them as I now collect SSD.

When I mention my situation to a posiible date, women are not interested.
I can understand some of that.

So, I was wondering, if anyone else in our group has had, or is going thru
this too.
Just one more of those frightening things of Parkinson's.

Thanks all.  I hope that I wasn't out of line asking a question like this

joe  44 & 5
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