

The time has come to clarofy the situation; Frodoq is a split
personality! This unfortunate hobbit derivative has two humans living
within: a mother and son duo.  The dominant personality , and driving
force on the internet is 17 year old Jed, an extremely bright, deeply
philosophical young man, deeply attached to his computer and his
opinions, but perhaps a little brash and insensitive - a characteristic
maybe of his age. The other personality, is Hilary, , Jed's mother,
well-meaning, somewhat fuzzy-minded, totally inexperienced on the
internet, terrified of the computer,but trying ro get her point across
on the subject of PD, while trying to learn anything and everything at
the same time.  Sometimes one personality assumes control,  sometimes
the other merely assumes.....
Hope you understand and that there are no hard feelings. I am extremely
proud of my son.
Hilary Blue