

joe -   i have been single for 27 years, until 6 years ago without the
stigma of PD.  fortunately, i have a lady who pre-dates the diagnosis, and
is  sticking  it out.

        but that doesn't help you.  were i in your position i would look at
the local (where are you? - it helps to be in a city of some size) singles
scene.  here in tucson we have some alternatives, tho as a stranger you
would have to look for them, at least beyond the bar scene.

but, you would not have to look far for a support group (apda chapter with
over 100 at our monthly meetings), with many fine people, married and
single, who share one of life's bummers!  were i single w/o a s/o, i would
definitely attend those meetings with an eye and ear toward finding

but don't give up on the non-pd crowd - not everyone will evaluate you by
your disease group.  nor will they bypass you because of the proximity of
your children. in fact, a caring person could be very impressed with a man
who, with a numbing disease, cares for his kids as intimately as you do.

most importantly, from experience, don't push it.  to the right person, you
have a lot to offer.  YOU are the one who must be selective. so  relax.  it
will happen sooner if you do.

                        bob dolezal

At 8:58 PM 7/14/98, JOSEPH M PEINKOFER wrote:
>I have been a pretty much silent observer since joining your wonderful
>group.  I look foward to reading your posts, even the not so happy ones.
>I don't know if I am alone in my situation or there are others like me and
>if anyone could share some thoughts- I guess the proper term would be
>I am trying, with poor success, to re-enter the world of dating.  I have
>been divorced for a while now.  It has been very difficult for me to find
>someone who is willing to date me and my disease-we are a package deal.
>I get along pretty well, can mask my symptoms with medication, for a while.
> But then, I am living a life of deception if I don't tell someone, and
>that is not me.  Additonally, my two little children live with me, and for
>that reason alone, women are not interested.  Heck, at my age(44), most
>have kids already grown and are not willing to start over.
>Don't misunderstand me about my kids being a negative thing.  Having them
>and being their parent is God's greatest gift he has ever given me and I
>thank him every chance.  Even, in a strange sense, my PD has been a gift in
>the fact that it allows me to stay home with them as I now collect SSD.
>When I mention my situation to a posiible date, women are not interested.
>I can understand some of that.
>So, I was wondering, if anyone else in our group has had, or is going thru
>this too.
>Just one more of those frightening things of Parkinson's.
>Thanks all.  I hope that I wasn't out of line asking a question like this
>joe  44 & 5
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