

Fosamax is a problem where administartion is  concerned I too have to
take synthroid at the same time and usually an early riser can take it
sometimes  4 oclock in the morning. Besides PD I have scoliosis develope
over the past year and along with my stoop has been playing havoc on my
shoulder muscles especially in the  evening when the PD meds. are
beginning to hit rock bottom.After a bone density test  a couple of
months ago found I had severe osteaporosis in spine and hips.So am
taking Fosamax , Metacalcin via nasal spray,vit.A&D for the Osteaporosis
one synthroid for thyroid ,eldepryl,sinemet,sinemet cr.and
Mirapex.  Non seem to have had any diverse reaction with each other. The
Mirapex certainly has been a big plus for me not really lengthening the
"ON" period but quality time is really improved beyond expectation.
The only trouble now is not to plan too much during on time as
exhaustion still lerks in every corner.
Good luck with the Fosamex I did leave it off for a few days when
experienced dry and slight cough but was due to pollen,
Margaret, love hope and faith for a cure.