

   Ken and I attend a weekly support group for PWPs  and their caregivers.
This week, the subject came up of what people  do if there is an emergency at
home such as a fire or an earthquake, and you have to evacuate quickly. This
is especally hard for PWPs at night when they may not be too well medicated,
and  they have to dress quickly and may even have to negotiate stairs in a
hurry. Most of our group had not really thought too much about this, and we
didn't come up with any good ideas, especially for those in wheelchairs. I
promised to ask you all about this and bring your answers to the next meeting.
So, if any of you have solved this problem or have any ideas that would help,
would you send them in and in the same note give me permission to print them
out for sharing. Our  group is sponsered by our local branch of PDF, so we may
use this information to hand out at  other meetings if you give us permission.
Thank you in advance for your help.
           Barbara Smith,CG/Ken/70/17