

Dear Barbara,
    A couple of quick thoughts
      1. A plan committed in writing that would include how you [all] are going to leave the house [front or back door ect.] and if you get separated where you are going to meet. The plan should include who is responsible for what; such as who will grab the packet of next day drugs,small 1st aide kit,change of clothing ect. A small backpack could contain all these items and should be left in a position [on the wall for example]that you know you will be passing. You should decide if you are going to make any heroic efforts to save your pets and if so a light weight carrying case should be handy.If you live in a rambling home you should post exit signs. You should have a fire drill regularly scheduled especially with young children.If you have household help especially overnighters make sure they know their responsibilities and how to exit. If you travel make sure you try the emergency exit routine
     2. Supplies....Each room, hallway, stairwell should have a night light
        A large flashlight should be on the bed side table along with a plastic bag that could be filled with items usually left on said table ...keys,wallet,teeth, hearing aide
      outside your house you should have a couple of safe places where you may leaves duplicate packets noted above. A neighbors house.a barn or unattached garage or your car.
     Obviously you should have a couple of fire extinguishers and your smoke and fire detectors should be updated and in good repair and last but not least don't hesitate to ask your local fire department what they think of your plan and do let them know that you have someone in the household who is disabled.

 you may use this document as you see fit. I'll add,subtract and polish and resend in next day or so

   my best
     georgeAmazing grace! How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    was blind, but now I see.

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