

Deer listmember friends,

I'm hoping that anyone who knows where I might be able to have a Flouradopa
and a Glucose PET SCAN - would please share that information.

I  had both the scans before at UCLA -- the University of California in Los
Angeles.  That was two years ago.  The neurologist that I'm seeing wants them
done again to compare and to check the progress of the disease.  I don't mind
going to UCLA again, but since I have to pay for the trip and tests anyway,
(insurance may not pay) maybe I can work in a short  vacation. I'm trying to
work in the positive whenever I can.

I had heard that Colorado, Georgia, Florida and Canada may be sources.  But I
know nothing  more  - what facilities?  Locations?  Phone numbers? Names of
the doctors?  Their telephone number?  Etc.

This is rather time sensitive, so  I appreciate any help anyone can give.  You
may want to post the information if you think it might be helpful to others,
or If you'd rather contact me directly, that's great too -- my email is
[log in to unmask] Or, you can telephone me in Phoenix Arizona  602 --
581-3491.  Any leads are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Maryhelen Davila
Phoenix Arizona