

Excellent commentary, Ron... Right on point.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ronald F. Vetter
Sent:   Friday, July 17, 1998 1:02 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: single pwp's

>What to do with the feelings of rejection and lonelines???  i told Gina
>that I was gonna take them outside and shoot them!  Hard to keep the faith
>and believe.
>joe peinkofer

living is gambling, joe
feelings are tied to projections - of the future
your beliefs are not entirely accurate - there are distortions
what you tell your self is crucial in determining how you feel

the be-ing for the now - today - requires that one decide to live - to be -
involve one's self with others. giving another something they want or need
is important.

because giving is rewarded by our neural networks.  this includes loving
(caring for) your self. but, if you only include your self, you reject all
others.  then, you will feel alone.  if you reject your self so to speak, id
est, do not love and like and feel good about your self, change your self!
attitude is important.

if one hates himself, he will do well if he changes his perceptions about
self and reaches out to others.  success in being a friend is basic to
"getting a life!"

handouts are not what one needs to build self-esteem - unless your hands are
out of their pockets and giving your best perception of what whomever you
are with needs at the moment.  be spunky and give more than you get. you may
find that helping others is easier than helping self - and you may enjoy
doing it for an hour today
2 hours tomorrow
no luck at all on the next day
then, a whole afternoon that really is enjoyed by two or three or four or

Ronald Vetter  1936, dz PD 1984, carbidopa/levodopa, Mirapex, selegiline
[log in to unmask]     Ridgecrest, California