


It wasn't seeing someone in my office that astounded me as much as what you
were wearing.  SOMEHOW I just never pictured you flitting thru Cyberspace
wearing a Valkyrie outfit like Brunhilde, complete with horned helmet and
metal breastplate!  <giggling>

I mean, REALLY, I KNOW living in L.A. my whole life SHOULD have made me
impervious to seeing someone dressed like that in my office, but HEY... I
wasn't expecting company no matter WHAT might have been wearing!   Oh.... and
that sabre you were waving around in air was a little much, don't ya think?
<wee smirk>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Gina Cass.
Sent:   SJuly 18, 1998 11:29 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Help!

Well, I knew you were not expecting me. But I did pick up after myself. See
I am thinking of boneing up on Buddism? Any Ideas?
Sorry for the noise.
warm fuzzies to you w/Hugs