

Most people notice that I sign my e-mail with the reminder to laugh.
Sometimes when we are being weighed down with life, pd, and
everything else it is hard to remember.
I found a few quotes in a book a year ago which have helped me
very much.
M.Kathleen Casey, "Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional."
What a wonderful thought. Yes having pd hurts, but I do not need to
dwell on it or make the pain of it central to my life.

I can always laugh.
Two for laughter, 1-The Koran, "He deserves paradise who makes
his companions laugh."  And this means you Gail, Art, and others.
And 2- W.H.Auden said, "Among those whom I like or admire, I can
find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can:
all of them make me laugh."  I love you folks.

don't forget how to laugh (and do it often)
Marling McReynolds 49/3
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