

<Clutching head as jet plane screeeeeeeeams it's
way into the air as it leaves to go back from whence
it came as the air show is over>

It's over, it's OVER, THE %#@$(&#  AIR SHOW IS
OOOOOVER!  Now I just have to survive the noise
as each plane ROOOOARS overhead in leaving the
airport (It's touch and go if I'll maintain my sanity till
the last plane takes off)

Uhhhhh... Gina, m'dear... I'll hafta trust YOU when it
come to Elmer Fudd going around dressed as a
Brunhilde-type.  The last cartoon I voluntarily watched
was when my youngest daughter was maybe 3 years
old - and she's 29 now! <grin>

Hey...  being a certifiable bi-polar's ok.  After being
assaulted by the noise from the air show for the last
four days, I could prolly be considered "certifiable" in
the deranged category, and I KNOW Ken Becker is
certifiable in LOTSA categories! <grinning, ducking & running>

It's lunch time and I'm starving - do ya think that a
half pint of Coffee-Toffee Crunch ice cream with a
handful of Sugar Smacks sprinkled on top can be
considered a bona fide lunch?"  (Hmmm.... <thinking>.....
prolly not to married folks but lotsa my fellow singles
would say, "Hey COOL") <giggle>

Wackily yours...

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Gina Cass.
Sent:   Sunday, July 19, 1998 2:06 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Help!

Dear Barb:
Correct me if I'm wrong. I watch "Bugs Bunny & Friends Cartoons". and Bugs is
running from Elmer Fudd. Bugs Dresses up like Brunhilde and off he rides on a
HUGE White horse. She has long blonde braids. Very  Long but they don't seem
to get in his way.  That horse has the biggest Butt I have ever seen. And yes,
I am demented. I am certifiable, except the Psy. I go to for meds says I'm Bi-
Polar. And I'm a very good Bi-Polar. This way all my life. That, now, is
something to be very proud of.  Oh, so you have Air shows also. They fly right
over our heads. Bi-planes, Single Engine Planes, Carrier  pigeons, and even
the jet that curtisies, the Harrier. I really like that plane.
I rode in a hot air balloon gondala. It was beautiful. The landing is a pain
and I Mean Pain. I would do it again. Just let someone else land for me.
Went to an AA Meeting this AM.  Good meeting. Talking about emotional
One last note, I was watching "Bugs Bunny, and friends" ON the day I got
The favorites of mine are "Barber of Seville". (Come into my shop, let me cut
your mop, daintly). Then The song that stayed with me going down the isle.
"SHHHHHH, be vewry quiet. I hunting wrabbits."
So, what cha think, baby? Do you think I could try out of something?
I am something !!!!!!?!!HaHa
I have enjoyed speaking to you. Your a really cool person.