

On Tue 21 Jul, p. l. maddux wrote:
> Hi folks, several of you have expressed an interest in my progress and I
> appreciate that. So for those list mambers and other newbies hers is my
> situation right now.

Hello Lanier
            I understand the reasons that some neurologists advise staying
off Sinemet for as long as possible (I also think that they are totally
wrong, but that is not not why I am writing ) : If you are comfortable without
the use of Sinemet, then the decision is yours, but keep this in mind - In my
case, when first diagnosed I was put on Artane (20 years ago, there was not
much else ) and after 1 year I was on the verge of retiring. (I had a fairly
high-pressure job as a Project Leader, and the Artane could not cope with the
tremor). It was getting embarrassing for my colleagues as well as for myself.
After that year I insisted on changiing to Sinemet, with the reasult that I
eventually retired 14 years later!
   My message then is : Don't grind yourself into the ground struggling to
avoid taking Sinemet. It is not the end of everything - in fact it is the
start of a new life.
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>