


Depressing yes - downright scary - undoubtedly, but that's the way the raw
facts read. If indeed most people were facing that in their future funding
the search for a cure would be no trouble. As written your message relies
for its considerable impact on saying just that - PD is bad and the odds are
you are going to get it, so lets get it before it gets you.

Unfortunately (in strategic terms) the facts are that most people will never
suffer from PD. Using the figures you quote in your message if 200 of every
100,000 people have PD,  99,800 don't. If I was placing a bet on any single
individual getting PD I'd have to bet against it as it is close to a sure
thing that they won't. And its not going to change soon. Even at the annual
incidence of 20 per 100,000, it is going to take 5000 years before everyone
is a PWP.

Marling - you have written a great letter - but you are going to have to
find another opening paragraph.
