

Gina Cass. wrote:
> Dear Hans:
> Just a quick answer. There are/where 4 doctors involved with this mess. I have
> the Lithium (Eskalith), Depakote, Paxil, Seroqual, Synthroid for Bi-Polar
> Manic Depression.
> The Vasteric is for High Blood Pressure. and the Sinemet and Permax well we
> all know what that is for. I cringe when any of them says med. I know what
> that means. I have done my homework. I have checked the BP meds out very
> carefully. I have been on those since 7 years ago.

 I have here a list of medications published in the  June 1998
Newsletter of the NPF support group that meets at  Georgetown University
Hospital ( In Washington DC)  this is a list of medications NOT to be
taken with Sinemet.!!!!!!!!
        BRAND NAMES                     GENERIC
        Haldol                          haloperidol
        Trilafon or Triavil             perphenazine
        Stelazine                       trifluoperazine
        Proloxin, permitil              fluophenazine
        Navane                          thiothixine
        Moban                           malindone
        Mellaril                        thioridazine
        Thorazine                       chlorpromazine
        Loxitane                        oxapine
        Serpasil, Ser-Ap-Es, Diutensin,
        Diupres, Demi-Regroton,
        Salutensin                      reserpine
        pavabid                         papaverine
        Compazine                       prochlorperazine
        Reglan                          metoclopramide
        Torecan                         thiethylperazine
        Aldomet                         alpha-methyldopa
        Lithobid                        Lithium carbonate
        Taractan                        chlorprothixene
        Nardil                          Pheylzene
        Parnate                         Tranylcypromine
        Raudixin                        Rauwolfia Serpentina
        Rauverid                        none
        Wolfina                         none
        Harmonyl                        Deserpine
        Moderil                         Rescinnamine
        Rauwiloid                       none
        Dilantin                        Phenytoin
        Buspar                          Busparone
        Demerol                         Meperidene
In addition, certain rare side effects have been described between
Eldepryl (seleginine) andf the following drugs:
        Elavil                          amitriptyline hydrochloride
        Paxil                           parixetine
        Prozac                          fluoxetine
        Demerol                         Meperidene and other opiate                                     drugs
        Zoloft                          sertraline

This is not the most up-to-date list available - I will try and get you
the latest list from the co-ordinator of our support group if you so
desire.  If you want it, and it is probably only in hard copy and I'm
not a very good typist, if you want you can send me a mailing address
(privately , if you  like, to  Frodoq and I promise not to put you on
any junk mail list - wouldn't  know how to even if I wanted to) and I
can mail it to you.  I am quite concerned that you appear to be taking
medications that exacerbate each other  and your conditions.  I think I
told you that my daughter may grow up oto be in a similar situation, as
she already has a juvenile form of manic depression and if she is
carrying a gene for PD.....!  So I have tried to find out what I can.
Hope you don't think I'm interfering.
Hilary Blue