

Hi friends:

I am a longtime lurker whose father is a PWP (75/9).  My father has had a
significant decline in cognitive ability over the last several months.  He
recently saw his neuro, who was very concerned and is reducing his Permax.
(Sorry, I don't know specific dosages.)

What my Mom forget to mention to the neuro at his appointment is that he has
fairly recently (4 months) begun receiving injections of Lupron depot for
treatment of prostate cancer.  It may be coincidental that the cognitive
decline occurred since he began the treatments.  Does anyone have any
experience with this?  I did some searches, and there is some anecdotal
information that there could be a connection.  I also found one reference
that described the substance as a dopamine antagonist (NOT agonist), and I
assume if that is the case, it could cause big problems for someone who
already has a problem with dopamine.

They are to contact the neuro again in four weeks after he has taken less
Permax.  I have encouraged my Mom to call the physician sooner and report
the Lupron, which I am sure she will do, but since they will be traveling,
not for another week or two.

Any ideas from the brain chemistry experts on the list?

Mary Jean Gunden

daughter of PWP 75/9, Oakland CA