

Hi folks,  I've nowbeen on the tasmar for about 2 months and frankly,I
really dont see much of a difference.
me med regime is   6am : 1 sinemet 25/100,  1 permax .25  , 1 eldepryl .5mg
, and 1 tasmar 100 mg
                        10 am : 1/2 sinemet 25/100, 1 permax .25,  1 tasmar 100mg
                        1pm:    1 tasmar, 1/2 sinemet, 1 permax .25
                        5pm:    1 tasmar, 1/2 sinemet, 1 permax .25
                        10pm:   1 tasmar, 1 sinemet, 1 permax

Sometimes I'll take an extra 1/12 sinemet if I start cramping up or shaking
alot.  It just seems like not a big difference from life before tasmar,
with the exception on taking slightly less sinemet.  am I doing this right,
it seems like trying to take less sinemet does not work and the tasmar is
not relieving the symptoms that sinemet does... I don't really have a dr
who is very accessible, I pretty much have to figure things out as I go.
living in the caribbean as I do.   SOOOO... I'd appreciate any feed back.
I recently went to a neuro in puerto rico, but he didnt work out, my reg
neuro is at emory university in atlanta, and is very busy, and only in
there office every other odd numbered tues and even numbered weds ( or so
it seems)  at this point a trip stateside is not an option for me.  any
advice or web sit info that might be useful to me.

thanks as always for being there, I love you guys
Lisa in paradise