

I see that someone asked if it's okay to break a Sinemet CR in half, and
that someone else replied that it's basically okay.

I would like to add that my Mom's neurologists specifically stated that a
CR should *not* be broken in half (unless, I suppose, the neurologist
would plan for that) because it would change the rate at which the
sinemet itself would be delivered into the bloodstream.

I also checked back into my saved files and found a February 1997 comment
from Listmember Brian Collins about this question, in which he wrote:

    "Breaking a Sinemet CR will give a greater initial 'kick' , because
    you are exposing  a greater area to the bunch of chemicals which are
    busy trying to dissolve the tablet. Thus it disolves more rapidly, or
    more like a non-CR type of tablet."

I also found, in my saved files from this List, the comments of one or
two others, in which they noted that they broke their CR's in half but
noticed no significant difference in the effect.

My best advice would be to discuss the question of breaking Sinemet CR's
in half, with your neurologist, or perhaps phoning the pharmaceutical
comnpany that manufactures Sinemet CR and asking them. (Most major
pharmaceutical companies have toll-free 800-numbers, listed on the
bottle). Or phone your local pharmacist.

-- SJS