

We had a terrific storm the other night in the  Washington DC
metropolitan area, and large parts of Maryland lost their electricity
for quite some time. Doesnt AOL run through Maryland. Could that have
affected the quality of service?
Bob Anibal wrote:
> You folks having mail trouble, are you on AOL, which has periodic mail
> problems, or are you on a local ISP. I am on a local ISP and occasionally
> have mail problems, then I call them to find out what gives. Invariably the
> answer is that the problem is in the mail service beyond the local ISP  -
> except one day last week the answer was that a lightning strike nearby
> knocked everything out and mail was the last thing restored.
> Ask, after all you are paying for service and when it is missing you are
> entitled to an explanation. If the answers are unsatisfactory then change
> ISP if possible. I recently changed ISP because of poor service - they
> wouldn't even answer the phone. This was kind of messy because I had to send
> address changes all over the place but it was worth it -  had a little
> trouble and the fellow running the new ISP came to my house to straighten me
> out.
> Bob Anibal