

Wed, 22 Jul 1998 17:36:34 -0400 Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

<<<<  I think I told you that my daughter may grow up to be in a similar
situation, as she already has a juvenile form of manic depression and if she
is carrying a gene for PD.....!  >>>>

Hello Hilary,

Until now there are only a few families found where the genes were
responsible for the symptoms of Parkinsonism cq PD. These were very rare
cases and studies with larger and general groups of PWP have so far given no
evidence at all that these genes found are responsible for the PD or
Parkinsonism in the general population.

Secondly: some MEDS against MD (manic depression) can cause or worsen the
PD-SYMPTOMS, not the PD itself! The situation is REVERSIBLE. After stopping
or changing the MD meds, the PD-symptoms disappear again. IF! and I say IF
by cruel coincidence your daughter would develop PD in the future, the PD
also does NOT worsen the MD, but some PD meds could worsen the MD-SYMPTOMS.
So (IF it would happen) there would be limitations in the choice of meds for
both diseases.

I can understand your concern for your daughter's future, but at the moment
you need all your energy to "accept" your PD and to support your daughter
with her MD. Do not exhaust yourself by fearing for what MIGHT be, but
perhaps never will happen. Try to detour the energy, you are now using to
fear the future, to have more energy to cope with the present.

Take care,  Hans.

P.s.: keep writing the poetry!!