

Jeanette Fuhr;

Thanks for the prompt response
>Do you have a movement disorder neuro?
Yes, but I do not get to see him for another 3 months. Also  I like being
a little informed on a topic before I ask his opinion.
> My neuro when questioned about
>seeing a chiropractor for manipulation of my stiff neck responded, "I don't
>recommend manipulation for a person with Parkinson's"
I have found that Doctors of Medicine hate Chiropractic Doctors with a
Note: the 3 MD's ( 12 visits)that keep me in extreme pain for 10 wks (8
years ago) scoffed at the idea when the Chiropractor fixed me from pain
and stiffness in 3 days and 3 visits. The only complaint is this fix
lasts only  approx. 14 days at a time. If I fail to visit on about the
20th day the stiff neck is back with a vengeance. Two day back to back
chiropractic treatments put pain and stiffness on a back burner for
another 14 days.
> When I asked about>massage, he said that would be fine.
It use to be crack and wrack treatment in the older days, however the new
Chiropractors that have graduated recently (last 5 years) use a lot more
accupressure and massage on muscles in treatment than manipulation.
Manipulation used now only when they determine some things really out of
wack. ( please excuse the elite medical terminology)
>My pd initial symptoms were frozen
>shoulder and extremely stiff, sore neck.  When I'd tried chiropractic and
>muscle relaxers, adjustments caused alot of pain and the relaxers of the
>"natural herb" variety did send me to sleep or made me "silly".
I know, I kept seeing those Intel bunnies toasted over and over
> Another thing that helps the rigidity of my neck which comes and goes
>along with the amt of stress and the time of dose of sinemetCR are the
>neck/shoulder exercises frm my first neuro who I had seen previoiusly for
I unfortunately do get Migraines when my body is exhausted from lack of
sleep. The MD's do not have a solution for me on this one either. Meds do
not help at all. I get out of them by curling up in a fetal position and
going to sleep immediately upon getting sparkle's. 2-4 hours sleep and in
90% of the time feel normal after that. On the other 10% it takes another
day before normality returns.
>If I do this 15-20 min series of exercise regularly, my neck
>and shoulders feel great.
What type are they?

Disclaimer: BTW:I'm not married to, own, or have any financial interest
in Chiropractic.

Thanks for the info
Don 49/2