

>J. Darwin Hawkins,
>I sometimes wonder, if today's environment of pesticides,
>electromagnetic energy, pollution, etc., etc. are suspected of
>prompting, causing, or contributing to PD, then what was the cause not
>too many years ago when none of this stuff was around?
Hate to let you in on a secret Mr. Hawkins; but environmental pollution
has been here just as long as mankind has been on this planet and longer.
Pollution,radiation, and electromagnetic energy are not only man made but
also natural products of this planet

> PD, although not called Parkinson's, has been with the human race for
Please enlighten us PD folk where you found this fact of great wisdom.

>It has become more noticeable and more prevalent because we live longer and
>have better communications.
SO tell us Mr. Hawkins why do we have so many people 20 years old and
younger getting PD?
IN conclusion folks we have PD because we live longer and talk to each
other. Great, and  here I thought it was because our brain cells die and
the brain fails to produce dopamine. Glad you are in test engineering not
>I do think we now have the technology to find a cure, and I support that
effort whole
If we had the technology to find a cure don't you think that a cure would
have been found or maybe this is one of those engineering conspiracy
things. It is really big of you to support the effort of technology come
up with a cure for us PWP's.
>I don't think we will make progress if some of us continue to blame the
environment and
>search in that direction.
The last time I took problem solving in University, one of the key issues
was to identify the source of the problem in solving the problem. IMO
until we find the enviromental source of the problem, we probably
wouldn't find a cure; but then again I'm not a scientist.


Don 49/2