

In reference to Chiropractic treatment I will share my own experience for what it's worth. I was treated
for a a stiff sore neck by a Chiropractor for several months. As the problem got worse his only
answer was more treatments more often. After going down that road lomg enough for the pain in my
neck to get so intense that it radiated up the back of my  neck and gave me a migraine-like headaches,
I realized that the Chiropractic treatments were only making it worse. I couldn't even sleep I was so
uncomfortable.Working with my GP  we tried  physical therapy, neck traction, pain killers and
muscle relaxer. Nothing worked.  X-rays showed only a little arthritis. Then I stumbled on to an article
on Cervical Dystonia which described just what I was experiencing. I took it to my GP who then referred
me to a Neurologist who had experience in treating Dystonia and he confirmed that's  what it was. Probably
a secondary condition to my PD. He gives me Botox injections about every 4 to 6 months which keeps
the muscle spasms under control. Knock on wood, it's been 9 months since my last treatment.What I
learned from all this is that Chiropractors may be of value within  a limited scope of treatments but they,
or at least the one I was seeing wouldn't admit when he was in over his head.

Ben McKeen   64/10