

Leo Fuhr wrote:
> Hans said in part:
> -BTW:If someone had migraines before PD, did the migraines get less
> frequent ---------
> > and less severe, as PD progressed?? Did the use of certain meds for PD
> cause
> > a worsening of the migraines again??
> >
> > Hans.
> In my case, I have not had a migraine since 1995 and I was diagnosed
> w/Parkinson's in Nov. 1997 and strted on SinemetCR at that time.  I still
> do get headaches, but now they are mostly centered in the lower base of my
> skull and coexist with the stiff neck/shoulders.  No over or between the
> eyes migraine with the "wavy lines" visual effects of earlier migraines.
> The present headaches are more often related to overuse of my eyes like
> with the computer, close work or appear at the end of dose times of my
> sinemetCR.
> Jeanette

In my case, it was the parlodel that did it - made the migraines much
worse.   When I went off it, the migraines became less intense.   Then
started a maintenance dose of propanalol, and hardly ever had a migraine
again.  Until just recently.  Now i take Imitrex.  But I think that age
and hormones have something to do with  it, too.