

Gina Cass. wrote:
Yes, I collect many things.  I have Teddy Bears, Especially Boyd's Bears
> I have Twyla, Remington, Bailey, Clifford, Sadie, Primrose, etc. I will be
> here a very long time if I list everybody. Know when I moved I had friends
> helping me. I explained that all the babies had to be seat belted in. They
> laughed. And someone had the gaul to want to put them in garbage bags. Even
> when I buy one, I explain to the clerk not to close the bag because they can't
> breathe in there. Now my daughter has bought me a few bears so everyone gets a
> name.
 each). Can't
> decide. So, what do I do, I start looking at something else t collect.
> Not in a big way, just in the ones I enjoy Beanie Babies.
> I got a few from friends and I got the Flamigo, very cute, now on the Ostrich.
> I also think I'll get the dragon. But I don't really like them all. Some are
> very junky looking.
> I'm looking for a small crib, some of the bears are complaining about the
> floor. Some are cramped in baskets so I thought I would look around for a used
> one. I won't tell them.
Gina, Hi
We have lots and lots and lots of stuffed animals too. But we discovered
vey early on that teddy bears are special.  Did you know that they
protect you from monsters and space aliens that try to get into your
room at night  Place teddy bears at every potential opening - doors,
windows, ventilation grates etc, and no monster or space aliens can get
past.  This wonderful  discovery made for many restful nights when my
children were younger.
By the way, playpens are very useful for keeping stuffed animals
comfortable - and it helps protect them from marauding toddlers and pets
- in fact that is I think what play pens were made for - or was it for
storing clean laundry undisturbed?
Hilary Blue