

Hello friends,  I have been watching the (surprisingly long) debate about
Breaking Sinemet CRs or not, with a familiar sense of deja vu. I realised
what it was when someone quoted something I wrote back in 1987! I suppose
we are bound to get these repeating themes as new PWP's  come on line.
However, there is one aspect that has not been covered,and that is WHY? Why
does it matter whether you break the CR tablet or not.  I can assure you
that it is important:
  The rate of release of levadopa is the magic target which we are all
trying to achieve. The actual number depends on the digestive system of the
PWP combined with the rate of breakdown of the Dopamine in the brain. It is
this continual breakdown which turns the system into a flowing one, and
that is why we can achieve some control by the unlikely process of taking
   A Sinemet CR (200mg levodopa) takes (in my particular case) 4 hours to
dissolve. This means a rate of release of 50 mg per hour (on average). The
bad news for me is that I know that for me the correct target is 37 mg/hour.
If I take a Sinemet CR at 50 mg/hr it would constitute an overdose and I
would have to cope with some highly unpleasant dyskinesias. Please bear in
mind that I have had PD for 25 years (Diagnosed 19 yrs ago) so I am very
sensitive to these things. These remarks are relevant if you have had PD
for more than about 7 years
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>