

Bob Anibal wrote:
>I ran the program to detect the W95.cih virus - it took almost an hour.
>After it was all done it took me about 2 hours of testing - diagnosis tests
>and general fooling around to get things working smoothly again - still not
>sure if everything is OK. Oh Well, at least it didn't detect any virus.
>Today is the 26th and my disk is OK.  must be my terrific immune system is
>working good these days.

I also seem to have survived the dreaded virus, although I took a riskier
approach.  Since I was too tired to go through the anti-virus routine last
night, I thought I would just not turn on the computer today.  I lasted
till about 2pm, then through caution to the winds.  Whew!  No discernible

BTW, Bob, I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed your visit to Georgia.  Yes, it
is pretty nice around here!

Jane Koenig
(daughter of Fred, 79/MSA 1