

First, if you didn't get a chance to run a virus checker
through your system and if you have a Windows machine, right
click on the "TIME" and reset your calendar AHEAD a couple
of days. After 24:00 (midnight) Monday you can set it back
to the correct date.

Second, there is a wonderful ONLINE virus checker available
by those wonderful folks at PC-cillin, an excellent
anti-virus program. The site will ask you to load "ActiveX",
which is painless. Most folks already have it on their HD.
If you don't, you can download it from the site, run it,
restart your machine, go back to New Country (you did
bookmark it, didn't you?), reclick back to PC-cillin and run
the virus checker.

It will check your HD for this and a load of other viruses.
This particular virus will be active every month so if you
have it, you need to get rid of it. This program will do it
for you.

Go to the New Country Home Page:
and click on the link, a little ways down the page and on
the left.

Remember, this check is only good until the moment it
finishes and you move on to another site. It does NOT
protect you later that day, or the next week. To maintain
protection you need to have a permanent virus checker
installed which will catch a virus as soon as you receive

Virus Bulletin at:
has a good comparitive review of anti-virus programs, except
they are old. There are hundreds of new viruses each month,
which is why, if you decide to buy an anti-virus program,
you need to have a way to update it each month.

When you decide to buy an anti-virus program, you can obtain
them, usually at a slight discount, from Barnes and Noble
or at the dealer's website.

If you email me, I'll pass along my recommendations.
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