

Well, I am now on Requip, the last of the many agonists that I have been on.
Does anyone have any amazing stories about this drug?
Also, I went in knowing that I was going to see a third year resident. He
really knew his stuff, though. We had a long conversation on my condition. He
was simply amazed at my knowledge of the subject.
As some of you know, only my Globus Pallidus was damaged in a CO poisoning ten
years ago. I went in thinking that perhaps a DBS of the sub-thalamic nucleus
might be in order.
After discussing it with the attending physician, they came to the conclusion
that due to a bypass in the nigro-striatal pathway, that it would be a
possibility. But that I would have to exhaust all other means of therapy
before anyone would be willing and able to do it.
But I've got that going for me anyway, which is nice.

Jacob Drollinger