

Lets get this number correct. Why it has become so important is beyond
me.If it is meant
to make us look bigger than we really are,what is to prevent the other
"ailments"from doing the same. So here are my 6, my wife of 38 years and
CG for 2,my 3 children ages 30 to 27 and there 2 spouses and my first
grandchild 8 months old.Yes even he is denied something, he is denied
the pleasure of being held by his loving grandpa
and being told about the wonders of life as they look out the windows or
are taking a
walk around the back yard.Oh I can hold him ,but only sitting down,which
I accept because the last thing I need is to stumble and have him get
hurt.Maybe it is time we started to make ourselves more visible.The
other diseases have telethons hosted by entertainment stars or are
spoken about almost daily by a world class star who has vowed to spend
the rest of
her life to conquer a disease that has taken many of her friends.So who
speaks for us.Has
Mohamed Ali been asked to help out in this cause or do they want someone
more credible.
How about Johnny Cash, I'm sure some one out there could name at least
a  dozen past and
present biggies who either had it or are now living with it. Craig 60/2.

 present biggies who now have it/or had it.