

> The great fan debate shows no sign of blowing itself out. If anything
> it's
> heating up. Which is a great pity because if there was ever an example
> of
> people arguing at cross purposes this has to be it. That I can see no
> one is
> actually advocating not buying the fans. Several people are upset that
> political expediency makes funding the project so easy whilst funding
> Udall
> is so hard but that is not the same thing at all as opposing the fans
> project.
> The coincidence of both the sums involved being $100,000,000 has added
> a
> certain irony to the situation and has sharpened the contrast between
> the
> two projects but I don't think anyone, as has been suggested, actually
> believes or has said that they are mutually exclusive.
> Come on folks, ease up on each other.
> Please:)
> Dennis

You got it exactly right. My original post contributed to this
controversy and you interpreted my intent and content exactly.
My original post:

"Well, now we know how much a human life is worth! 100 people die and
$1,000,000 get authorized to prevent it from happening. That's
$1,000,000 per person. Now all we need are the statistics showing how
many people die per year in the US from PD related causes. Betcha it's a
lot more than 100.
I've got the solution, give each of the estimated 1,000,000 people who
have Parkinson's a couple of hundred dollars a year for about five years
and we will administrate and fund the research to find our own cure. If
Clinton can release funds to aid heat sufferers, couldn't he also
release funding for PD research even without the Udall Law?

Darwin Hawkins"

People keep reading between the lines and make something out of nothing
or they already have an ax to grind and just need a catalyst to set them
off. Seems like every time I post a comment to the list, this happens.
(I guess I really love it!) Anyway, I feel that anything that causes us
PDers to have to use our brains for thinking about something other than
trying to take the next step or tie a shoelace can't be all bad.

On another note, how hot does it get in Australia? (Also, how cold in
the winter?) As most probably know, the Southern Hemisphere is closest
to the sun during your summer, whilst (an English word) the Northern is
closest in the Winter. You knew that, I'm sure.

Finally, I just got a bizarre and fantastic idea! Are your "Roo's" big
enough and could we train them to carry us around in their pouches when
we are no longer able to drive? Nope, won't work, already "jumpy"
enough! If the passenger's sudden movements ever got out of sync with
the hops, out he would shoot! Anyway, fun to visualize in my mind!

Darwin Hawkins, (59/3) soon to be (60/4)