

Bike-A-Thon Information from Donna J. Kos via Barb Brock of Troy, MI:

The following letter was sent to me by Donna J. Kos who is planning a Bike-A-
Thon across the U. S. to raise money for increased research that will
eventually lead to a cure for Parkinson's Disease.  Donna was to speak at the
PAN Forum but time ran out, so she has written listed participants in the hope
that we will each pass the information on to our various support groups.  In
that YOU are my support group, I am reprinting Donna's letter on both lists in
the hope that those who are interested will write to Donna to lend their
support or thoughts.  I shall pass it on to the Michigan Parkinson's
Foundation as well.  To my way of thinking, it is an absolutely terrific way
to bring national recognition to our plight/cause in addition to needed
research money.  It is also a wonderful tribute to Donna's father.  He must
have been a wonderful man to have such a dedicated daughter.  Donna can be
reached at:

571 Orlando Avenue
Akron, OH 44320
(330) 867-8855

And now, the letter:

July 26, 1998
Dear Barb:
I was present at the Public Policy Forum last month in Washington, D. C.  I
was to have given a 5 minute presentation, but as it turned out, they didn't
have time for me.  I got your name and address from the list of participants.

I am in the process of planning a Bike-A-Thon across the United States to
raise money for increased research that will eventually lead to a cure for
Parkinson's Disease.  I estimate it will take me 9 weeks to bike from San
Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL.  The daily mileage will range between 30-65
miles with the opportunity for other bicyclists to ride with me on any given
day.  In order to participate in the ride, the bicyclists will need to
preregister and to turn in the donations from their sponsors.

I am a member of the Akron Area Parkinson's Support Group and have been for
many years.  My father had Parkinson's for about 17 years; he died in March of
'96.  I got the idea for the Bike-A-Thon about four months after his passing.

At present I am going to different PD Support groups in Ohio and giving a talk
about my idea of the Bike-A-Thon and letting people know how they can help.
Would you be able to pass this letter on to your local Support group?  Maybe
they would be interested in having me come to one of their meetings to give my

I have some friends in Flint and I think I may be going up there within the
next couple months to give my presentation to their PD Support group.

I know the only way the Bike-A-Thon can be successful is if I can get
thousands of people interested in helping to spread the word.  The Bike-A-Thon
will be officially sanctioned by the National Parkinson's Foundation of Miami,
Donna J. Kos