


>I hope I did not offend you. I did not start this, but I am the one who
>about people dying , in Texas, where I live.

I'm not sure why you feel I might take offence but I can assure you I
haven't.  I can also assure you that I am aware of and saddened by the heat
related deaths in the US.  I must admit, however, to being guilty of being
more emotionally involved in events nearer to home. I have been deeply moved
by the 3 thousand plus deaths by tidal wave in Papua New Guinea, probably
because they occured in my back yard (regionally speaking) whilst the US is
half a world away.  I found myself crying as I listened to a headmaster who
had lost his wife, children, pupils and community in one terrible instance.
As he spoke he burst into tears and I lost what little control I had and
joined him.  PD tears? PD emotion?  Perhaps.  But I would like to think that
I am man enough to weep at such an occurence PD or no PD.
And what would $100,000,000 do for that man? Hold back the water? - turn
back the clock?  Mankind was once asked "Can you command the morning?".  The
answer hasn't changed since Job's time. It is still no.

We can't stop tsunamis or do better than hold the heat at bay, and icebergs
sink our unsinkable ships, but we can decide to stop arguing, especilly at
cross purposes - which is all I was asking for.
