

It's nice to hear a voice of sanity applied to the portenders of doom. If
you have been programming for 38 years you should be able to get in on the
big bucks available - of course these jobs are not permanent but the trend
these days seems to be to move every few years.
I checked with some people I know in the drug business and was told  - yes
there is a problem but people will get their medications.
Bob Anibal
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Rowland <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 2:42 PM
Subject: Y2K Paranoia

>I'm just a little weary of you prophets of doom proclaiming the
>apocalypse with all computers coming to a grinding halt at
>01/01/2000 00:00:00.  I've been a professional programmer for
>38 years and I'm here to say the problem is over blown.  Sure
>there are programs that perform arithmetic on 2-digit years and
>sure, some won't get fixed but stopping the supply of
>prescription drugs is a flight of fancy.  Go find a chat
>channel to peddle your paranoia.
>Ken Rowland
>[log in to unmask]