

        Ivan, et. al,

        Here's a 10th question/comment to add to your list of 9
questions previously posted.

> > The Committee requests NINDS to report on its progress in
> > implementing the Act at its fiscal year 2000 appropriations
> > hearing.
Is it going to take a year to show any "progress" in "implementing" the
Act? How long does it take to get started? (Whoops, two questions!)
i.e., When a law is put on the books, usually the police start issuing
tickets immediately. The requirements of the Udall Act are pretty clear.

Nowhere in the report does it say that $100,000,000 is to be
appropriated and used exclusively toward Parkinson's research. The ball
is in the committee's court to properly fund the Act. Until that is
accomplished, the progress reports are only going to be so much "hot
air". I would think that the Committee and the NINDS would be in
violation of the act if they did anything other than what it specifies.
Let's hold their feet to the fire.

darwin hawkins